简介: 那是一个遥远而又让人永世难忘的时代,一位圣者将他的名字、他的精神永远镌刻在历史的丰碑之上。备受世人爱戴的上帝之子耶稣(詹姆斯·帕特里克·卡维泽 James Patrick Caviezel 饰)为生活在穷苦和磨难中的人们带去了希望和喜悦,与此同时他的存在也触犯了教廷和统 治者的利益。他拒绝着魔鬼
简介: Travelers looking for lodging. They then found the Melati Inn and became guests there. Until one day they realized that if they were in there, they
简介: The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Jewish oppression in first-century I
简介: 在英国赫特福德郡的克洛普山上,有一座废弃已久的圣玛丽教堂。当初教堂废弃后曾经用来停放尸体,后来该建筑逐渐残破,渐渐与与幽灵鬼怪和邪教巫术扯上了关系,成为超自然事件的发源地之一。曾有人在当地拍下了诡异的画面,更有人目击了被黑弥撒所残害之人的头骨,因此闹鬼的传言愈演愈烈。这一天,凯文(Kevin G